Sunday, 30 December 2012

A nEw BeGiNniNg

It’s time to say bye bye to 2012… With the New Year beginning I would to thank god and all the people in my life for everything, good and bad, for they made me who I am today.

 I'm not a resolution person so like every other year this year also I do not have any resolutions but I do have hope and faith for those unresolved things in my life which remained mysterious till the end of the year… sniffle

Well anyway at least for today let’s forget all the pain, worries, tensions and the hurtful things you might have experienced and enjoy the last day of 2012 to the fullest. Each day is a new day which could be the beginning of a very wonderful memory so always pray and hope for the best.

May this New Year bring lots of happiness, harmony, peace and prosperity in this world. “Wishing you all a very Happy New Year 2013”.    

"Cheers to a new year and Another chance for us to Get it right.”                                              

-Oprah Winfrey

Friday, 21 December 2012

Great DIY'S for your Hair

Hey everyone...

Today while surfing the net I came across a very affordable and convenient method to repair, add shine and volumize hair in a fun way so I just couldn't help sharing it. For every individual (esp girls!!) beautiful hair has been and always be a very important accessory as it frames the face and defines it. With the harsh winter weather it requires even more care so get ready for this amazing DIY hair treatment . ^__^ .

 1. For damaged hair

 Mix some olive oil with 1 egg. Lather on head and 

 leave it on for about 15 to 20 Min's...Rinse off and 

 shampoo as usual...feel the difference

2.To add shine

  Squeeze  out some orange juice and mix

  thoroughly with some honey. Lather on head and 

  leave on for at least 20-30 Min's.. Rinse and 

  shampoo as usual and then enjoy the shine...  

3.To volumize

  Mix one part of warm water with three parts of 

  beer and let your hair soak in this mixture for 15 

  Min's, then rinse and shampoo as usual to get that  

  bouncy volume..


Wednesday, 12 September 2012

BlAnK LaTeLy

Lately, everything in my life seems to be blurring out. Each day I hope for a better one but it just turns out the other way. I am not saying that my life right now is the worst cuz I know it’s much better than some other’s. It’s just that as of now nothing is clear, I don’t know where my life is heading, I don’t know what next to do. Obviously I can’t here as an intern forever, right?

In the beginning, when it all started I thought it was temporary and believed that with the passage of time everything will fall in place (just as everyone assured) but-but-but its rather getting more complex, more questions, anxiety and frustration building up. So is this what is called as “life”? Is this what people call the real world? I remember how eager I was to graduate as soon as possible. I had anticipated this dream of finally getting a good job and looking out for my family.

(Sigh)...I had so many dreams about my great job and future and happy endings but now I know... life isn’t a fairy tale. v_v. Not so sweet as I thought it would be, not even close. Oh... How I miss my college days. Now I realize they didn’t say “student life is a golden life”, for nothing.

 I don’t know how I will be tomorrow and I don’t know why to say tomorrow is a different day. In spite of these gloomy days, I still like to keep believing that someday the sun will shine in my life, someday everything will be alright. All I need is to be patient with the mysteries of life itself.

Dreams are worth chasing, aren’t they? So I gotta keep dreaming for that fateful day, however long it takes. Who knows what could happen? But about one thing I am glad that there will always be a brand new day no matter what. So please wish me luck everyone... FiGhTiNg

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

ByE bYe To  UTI
It is said that the best way for urinary tract infection treatment is its prevention. If you have UTI there’s one thing I would like you to know, there are millions of others just like you… However females are more susceptible to UTIs than males. According to the National Health Service (NHS), UK, 1 in every 3 women will have a UTI before she is 24 years old, and about half of all females will have at least one UTI during their lifetime.
What is urinary tract infection?
Your urinary tract is the system that makes urine and carries it out of your body. It includes your bladder and kidneys and the tubes that connect them. When germs get into this system, they can cause an infection.
Causes ?
The infection is usually caused by bacteria called Escherichia coli. Urine contains a range of salt, fluids and waste produces, but does not usually have bacteria in it. Bacteria entering the bladder or kidney can reproduce rapidly in the urine, causing a UTI (urinary tract infection).

Symptoms ?
  •  You feel like you have to urinate often, but not much urine comes out when you do burning sensation, pain and or discomfort while urinating
  •  Lower abdominal pain                                                                                                     
  •  Fever and chills
  • Pain on one side of your back under your ribs
  •  Urine is cloudy or smells bad
  •   Nausea or vomiting
  • Belly feels tender or heavy
  • Sometimes blood in urine

Home remedies
Of course, visiting a doctor will be a good thing to do if you experience some of the above mentioned signs and symptoms so that you get treated as soon as possible (sooner the better), but here I have listed a few home remedies which would be helpful in combating the urinary tract infections right from the comfort of your home.
ü  Cranberry juice- studies have shown that drinking cranberry juice helps reduce the risk of developing UTI’s
ü  Urination- do not hold urine in, go whenever u feel like going.
ü  Genital hygiene
ü  Fluid intake- increase your fluid intake incorporating soup, herbal teas, coconut water etc...
ü  Bottom wiping - after going to the toilet, wipe your bottom from front to back. 
ü  Fruits- increase your intake of fruits rich in vitamin C such as lemons, limes, and oranges to name a few.
ü  High protein diet- meat, fish, eggs, plums alongside nuts and healthy grains.

It is very important to know and be aware of the symptoms that go along with the urinary tract infection. This painful and uncomfortable condition can become extreme if not treated properly or in timely fashion. Early detection is very crucial in preventing this awful condition. So take care everyone, lead a healthy life..  d(- _ -)b

Sunday, 1 July 2012

If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap;

If you want happiness for a day, go on picnic;

If you want happiness for a week, go on a vacation;

If you want happiness for a month, get married;

If you want happiness for a year, inherit wealth;

If you want happiness for lifetime, learn to love what you do.

Friday, 22 June 2012

LIFE- as it is.

Life always catches you at wrong times, at wrong places. But when it unshackles you, you know and appreciate the right place and the right time. Happiness in our lives never last forever. Everything in life is temporary. Living a life full of sorrow makes our life more challenging; it makes us learn many things which we would have never been able to learn through happiness. Going through rough times makes us realize how important life is.

The impermanence of life is the greatest truth that we face, everything remains only for a while, everything has to fall apart, and everything has to go away. Like how happiness never lasts for long, our sorrows does not last forever either. Whenever a door to happiness closes, another door opens. But often we wait for that closed door to open again and we don’t even bother to look at the new door that has been opened for us.
Feelings fade, relationships die and yet we somehow get over it and go in for another. It hurts to learn the truth that what we have lost is never going to come back in our life again.

 We can never make the final decision about anyone; people are different with different people. They always keep changing according to the circumstances in life. What a person is outside, is not always the same person inside. No one is an open book; everyone has something inside them-a different person. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubt of today. We create our own world with our own thoughts and imagination and these all make our own heaven and hell. The world that we are in, however difficult it maybe, it only reminds us what kind of mind we are actually carrying within us.

Life is always full, full of pain and pleasure. Life is not to be looked upon as a positive or negative thing. It is not to be taken as a reward or a punishment. Life has to be lived, and everything else temporary.

Monday, 21 May 2012

On WeArInG gLaSsEs.

On WeArInG gLaSsEs.

Apparently, I can’t see too well from far away!!

It all started way back when I guess I was like sixteen, when I got my first pair of glasses. I don’t know about others but believe me, I hated every moment of it. . >.<

It seems so stupid now but then I could feel my world dramatically shattering down in thousand pieces (too much???). But well I Felt self-conscious, uncomfortable, a bit awkward and worried about the dark circles and marks the frame may leave. It was so infuriating to even say it out loud that out of all my family and friends it turned out to be me...the one with the stupid eye sight problem. o_O.

Anyway, as time passed by I grew used to it soon and realized that it only did good to me. They serve as a great prop during conversation. And of course, wearing them has literally been an eye-opening experience. I had no idea people were supposed to see so many details from a distance!

As of now, I got contact lenses too and ever since I have loved wearing both my glasses as well as the contacts, they make my world much clearer n kindda cleaner too. Well, I am not totally dependent on them but they do boost my confidence level and independence. They are not just functional; they can be fashion accessories too.

So people embrace your glasses! No need to feel self-conscious coz they can still be cute and sexy depending on how you style it altogether! xOxO

Wednesday, 11 April 2012


I have realized that majority of our problem’s are linked with other people. Such as friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, siblings, friends of friends, strangers and even yourself. It so happens that sometimes your trusted friend betrays you, sometimes you have friends who you thought are friends end up gossiping and saying mean things about you, strangers being rude without a reason, sometimes parents don’t understand or siblings irritate… I guess at one time or the other all of us must have had experienced the above mentioned emotions. And then questions haunt us;
Why is he/she so judgmental?
Why is he/she trying to hurt me?
Why is he/she so lazy? So selfish? So insensitive? Blah blah……WHYY? WHYYY?

But the thing is, why do we hang on to offences? Why do we keep it when it’s just gonna hurt you? Why so hard to let go? If you can’t wait for someone to do what’s right, you go ahead and do it for yourself. Difficult people and situations give you the opportunity to grow stronger. Remember that when people try to offend you, it’s not necessary for you to take it. Sometimes it’s best to just walk away to save yourself from frustration and hurt. Accept that you cannot please everybody. The more you think of it, the more you complicate it inside your head and make things worse. When you are happy inside, it will shine outside. Don’t let those who live in dark drag you with them. Learn to let go of negative feelings, and stop torturing yourself with resentment. What other people think of you is definitely none of your business so make peace with your past so that it won’t screw up your future. I had read somewhere that,”One of the greatest mental freedoms is truly not caring what others think of you”. And I think it’s so very true... Last but not the least be happy in front of the people who don’t like you, “it kills them”…*_^…