Saturday 5 July 2014

BrEeZy EaSy

Sunday 30 December 2012

A nEw BeGiNniNg

It’s time to say bye bye to 2012… With the New Year beginning I would to thank god and all the people in my life for everything, good and bad, for they made me who I am today.

 I'm not a resolution person so like every other year this year also I do not have any resolutions but I do have hope and faith for those unresolved things in my life which remained mysterious till the end of the year… sniffle

Well anyway at least for today let’s forget all the pain, worries, tensions and the hurtful things you might have experienced and enjoy the last day of 2012 to the fullest. Each day is a new day which could be the beginning of a very wonderful memory so always pray and hope for the best.

May this New Year bring lots of happiness, harmony, peace and prosperity in this world. “Wishing you all a very Happy New Year 2013”.    

"Cheers to a new year and Another chance for us to Get it right.”                                              

-Oprah Winfrey

Friday 21 December 2012

Great DIY'S for your Hair

Hey everyone...

Today while surfing the net I came across a very affordable and convenient method to repair, add shine and volumize hair in a fun way so I just couldn't help sharing it. For every individual (esp girls!!) beautiful hair has been and always be a very important accessory as it frames the face and defines it. With the harsh winter weather it requires even more care so get ready for this amazing DIY hair treatment . ^__^ .

 1. For damaged hair

 Mix some olive oil with 1 egg. Lather on head and 

 leave it on for about 15 to 20 Min's...Rinse off and 

 shampoo as usual...feel the difference

2.To add shine

  Squeeze  out some orange juice and mix

  thoroughly with some honey. Lather on head and 

  leave on for at least 20-30 Min's.. Rinse and 

  shampoo as usual and then enjoy the shine...  

3.To volumize

  Mix one part of warm water with three parts of 

  beer and let your hair soak in this mixture for 15 

  Min's, then rinse and shampoo as usual to get that  

  bouncy volume..


Wednesday 12 September 2012

BlAnK LaTeLy

Lately, everything in my life seems to be blurring out. Each day I hope for a better one but it just turns out the other way. I am not saying that my life right now is the worst cuz I know it’s much better than some other’s. It’s just that as of now nothing is clear, I don’t know where my life is heading, I don’t know what next to do. Obviously I can’t here as an intern forever, right?

In the beginning, when it all started I thought it was temporary and believed that with the passage of time everything will fall in place (just as everyone assured) but-but-but its rather getting more complex, more questions, anxiety and frustration building up. So is this what is called as “life”? Is this what people call the real world? I remember how eager I was to graduate as soon as possible. I had anticipated this dream of finally getting a good job and looking out for my family.

(Sigh)...I had so many dreams about my great job and future and happy endings but now I know... life isn’t a fairy tale. v_v. Not so sweet as I thought it would be, not even close. Oh... How I miss my college days. Now I realize they didn’t say “student life is a golden life”, for nothing.

 I don’t know how I will be tomorrow and I don’t know why to say tomorrow is a different day. In spite of these gloomy days, I still like to keep believing that someday the sun will shine in my life, someday everything will be alright. All I need is to be patient with the mysteries of life itself.

Dreams are worth chasing, aren’t they? So I gotta keep dreaming for that fateful day, however long it takes. Who knows what could happen? But about one thing I am glad that there will always be a brand new day no matter what. So please wish me luck everyone... FiGhTiNg