Thursday 24 May 2012


Monday 21 May 2012

On WeArInG gLaSsEs.

On WeArInG gLaSsEs.

Apparently, I can’t see too well from far away!!

It all started way back when I guess I was like sixteen, when I got my first pair of glasses. I don’t know about others but believe me, I hated every moment of it. . >.<

It seems so stupid now but then I could feel my world dramatically shattering down in thousand pieces (too much???). But well I Felt self-conscious, uncomfortable, a bit awkward and worried about the dark circles and marks the frame may leave. It was so infuriating to even say it out loud that out of all my family and friends it turned out to be me...the one with the stupid eye sight problem. o_O.

Anyway, as time passed by I grew used to it soon and realized that it only did good to me. They serve as a great prop during conversation. And of course, wearing them has literally been an eye-opening experience. I had no idea people were supposed to see so many details from a distance!

As of now, I got contact lenses too and ever since I have loved wearing both my glasses as well as the contacts, they make my world much clearer n kindda cleaner too. Well, I am not totally dependent on them but they do boost my confidence level and independence. They are not just functional; they can be fashion accessories too.

So people embrace your glasses! No need to feel self-conscious coz they can still be cute and sexy depending on how you style it altogether! xOxO